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Sperm whale in afrikaans

brevsithedhislati50 2022. 8. 3. 04:36
  1. Lêer:Sperm whale - Wikipedia.
  2. Sperm whale in Afrikaans - English-Afrikaans Dictionary | Glosbe.
  3. Paus sperma - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.
  4. How to Choose the Best Whale Watching Tour in Iceland and Norway.
  5. Whales - About Whales - Wildlife Animals.
  6. Sperm Whale - Facts and Beyond | Biology Dictionary.
  7. Fishermen find $1.5M fortune in the belly of a whale.
  8. Physeter macrocephalus Sperm Whale - The Endangered Wildlife.
  9. Google Traduction.
  10. Semen, semen; male reproductive cell, sperm oil, sperm whale.
  11. VJ Sperm Whale (@vjspermwhale) on Instagram • 319 photos and videos.
  12. Top 10 Heaviest Animals in the World - AZ Animals.
  13. Whales - Burke Museum.
  14. Dead whale spotted off Isle of Sheppey - BBC News.

Lêer:Sperm whale - Wikipedia.

"This is because humans tens of thousands of years ago did not have the ability to kill sperm whales. At that time, the sperm whales sank to the bottom of the sea after death, forming a whale fall. After the bones were eaten by the creatures on the bottom, the ambergris would stay on the bottom of the sea, buried in the sand.".

Sperm whale in Afrikaans - English-Afrikaans Dictionary | Glosbe.

Afrikaans English; vis: angle; catch fish; fish: botter by die vis: money down; ready money down: die see is vol visse: there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it: so gesond soos 'n vis: as sound as a bell: soos 'n vis op droë: like a fish out of water: so stom soos 'n vis: as mute as a mackerel: vis nòg vlees.

Paus sperma - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas.

Видот покажува висок степен на сексуален диморфизам. Додека мажјаците и женките се со иста големина при раѓањето, зрелите мажјаци се 30-50% подолги и до три пати помасивни од возрасните женки.

How to Choose the Best Whale Watching Tour in Iceland and Norway.

Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. ().

Whales - About Whales - Wildlife Animals.

Енглески назив за уљешуру, Sperm whale, потиче од ранијег погрешног веровања да је полутечна воштана супстанца, која се налази у глави кита, његова семена течност. Она се назива спермацети (лат. Sperm-whale porpoise Sperm whale Sperm" whale` (Zo["o]l.) A very large toothed whale ({Physeter macrocephalus}), having a head of enormous size. The upper jaw is destitute of teeth. In the upper part of the head, above the skull, there is a large cavity, or case, filled with oil and spermaceti.This whale sometimes grows to the length of more than eighty feet.

Sperm Whale - Facts and Beyond | Biology Dictionary.

Ce service gratuit de Google traduit instantanément des mots, des expressions et des pages Web du français vers plus de 100 autres langues.

Fishermen find $1.5M fortune in the belly of a whale.

Humpback whales grow to between 15 and 19 metres in length (about the size of a bus) and weigh approximately 40 tons. One of their most noticeable and distinctive features are their long and ungainly-looking pectoral fins (flippers). These can grow to nearly 5 metres long, making them relatively the longest flippers of any baleen whale. Ambergris (/ ˈ æ m b ər ɡ r iː s / or / ˈ æ m b ər ɡ r ɪ s /, Latin: ambra grisea, Old French: ambre gris), ambergrease, or grey amber is a solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish colour produced in the digestive system of sperm whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor. It acquires a sweet, earthy scent as it ages, commonly likened to the. A group of Yemeni fishermen's lives were changed when they discovered a rare substance worth $1.5 million in the carcass of a sperm whale in the Gulf of Aden. The 35-member team was alerted to.

Physeter macrocephalus Sperm Whale - The Endangered Wildlife.

Body of a 960 × 694; 127 KB Physeter macrocephalus 283 × 193; 64 KB Physeter-macrocephalus-2012-07-26-18-35-A 864 × 512; 174 KB. Whale vomit, also known as Ambergris, is a dead gray, solid, wax-like material created in the intestines and digestive system of sperm whales. Because of the large mass in which ambergris can be found, scientists and marine biologists believe it is expelled through the sperm whales mouth along with other chemicals and/or materials found in the. What is another word for sperm whale? Need synonyms for sperm whale? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Noun A whale (Physeter macrocephalus), the largest of the toothed whales. cachalot. common cachalot “Fishermen found a 50-foot, 50-ton sperm whale beached on the coast of Taiwan last Saturday.” Find more words! Use * for blank.

Google Traduction.

Orcas are also known as Killer Whales. It is a marine mammal or sea mammal. Orcas are the largest member of the dolphin family. Whales and dolphins are cetaceans. There are about 90 species of cetaceans broken up into two groups. Why is an orca called a Killer Whale? Orcas do not attack people, but they are at the top of the food chain. Afrikaans Diere-Woorde Vocab. Add to folder [?] The dog jumped over the lazy fox. The dog jumped over the lazy fox. The. The snow petrel is a bird that is a secondary consumer and eats zooplankton (Sasso). Lastly, the four whales are the orca (killer whale), sperm whale, minke... The panda has adapted to consuming bamboo by using it strong jaw. Sperm whale. 龍涎香 (りゅうぜんこう). マッコウクジラ (抹香鯨、 学名 : Physeter macrocephalus )は、 偶蹄目 (鯨偶蹄目とする説もあり)マッコウクジラ科マッコウクジラ属に分類されるクジラ類。. 本種のみでマッコウクジラ属を構成する。. ハクジラ類の中.

Semen, semen; male reproductive cell, sperm oil, sperm whale.

Displaying all worksheets related to - Grade 8 Afrikaans Huistaal. Worksheets are Full graad 8 afrikaans huistaal pdf, Afrikaans short stories grade 8, Afrikaanse begripstoets graad 8, Afrikaans poems for grade 8, Afrikaans poems for grade 8, Afrikaans poems for grade 8, Afrikaans short stories grade 8, Afrikaans taal study notes grade 12 pdf. Sperm whales get their name from a unique organ in their heads called spermaceti. When seamen first opened a sperm whale’s noggin, they thought the oily substance was, well, semen. The actual purpose of spermaceti still alludes scientists. It could be a help with buoyancy or provide a way to create powerful sounds that find and stun their prey.

VJ Sperm Whale (@vjspermwhale) on Instagram • 319 photos and videos.

English: The Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest of the toothed whales and is the largest toothed animal in the world. The whale was named after the milky-white substance spermaceti found in its head and originally mistaken for sperm. Français Physeter macrocephalus est la plus grande des baleines à dents et est le plus. The Hunter And The Whale. This is the story of a South African boy, Peter, who grows to manhood through a hard course of physical and emotional experiences. The scene, a heroic one, is set both on sea and on land. Peter is exposed to the conflicts set up by other characters, chief amongst whom are a dedicated and fanatical whaling captain, a. Name. Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758. Lectotype, male, no longer extant, but designated via an original pen and ink drawing still preserved in the collection of Teyler's Museum at Haarlem, Netherlands. Designation: Husson; Holthuis 1974: 210.

Top 10 Heaviest Animals in the World - AZ Animals.

Scrimshawed whalebone plaque of a sperm whale A unique example of a cut-out profile of a sperm whale, formed from a sperm whale's panbone (the wide bone at the back of a sperm whale's jaw), and further finely scrimshawed on one side, of rich patina overall. The scrimshaw decorations include two three-masted whaling ships approaching from each end of the cut-out, a whaling hunt in the. The sperm whale or cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest of the toothed whales and the largest toothed predator.It is the only living member of the genus Physeter and one of three extant species in the sperm whale family, along with the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale of the genus Kogia.. The sperm whale is a pelagic mammal with a worldwide range, and. Kit spermatozoid ( Physeter macrocephalus) je najveći zubasti grabežljivac na svijetu i najglasnija životinja.Uobičajeno ime kita je skraćeni oblik spermaceti kita, a odnosi se na masnu tekućinu koja se nalazi u glavi životinje, a koja je izvorno pogrešno zamijenjena sjemenom kita.Drugo uobičajeno ime kitova je cachalot, koje potiče od drevne francuske riječi za "velike zube".

Whales - Burke Museum.

Dutch: ·A pisspot, a chamberpot. Als een potvis in een pispot pist, heb je een pispot vol met potvispis. If a sperm whale pisses into a pisspot, you get a pisspot full of sperm whale piss.··chamber pot, a container used for urination and defecation.

Dead whale spotted off Isle of Sheppey - BBC News.

സ്പേം തിമിംഗിലങ്ങൾ കാണപ്പെടുന്ന പ്രധാന സ്ഥലങ്ങൾ Synonyms.

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